SECO interview: Breastfeeding in Swiss workplaces

  • News
  • 17 Sep. 2024
Alain Vuissoz SECO

In honor of Swiss Breastfeeding Week...

We spoke with Scientific Officer and Project Manager Alain Vuissoz, at Switzerland’s State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), Working Conditions – Occupational Health, about the awareness-raising campaign “Breastfeeding at the workplace”, which is taking place in the context of Swiss Breastfeeding Week (15-21 September 2024).

Mr. Vuissoz, what do you want to achieve with this campaign?

With this campaign, SECO wants to make mothers who want to continue breastfeeding or pumping milk after returning to work aware of their rights and, in turn, remind employers of their duty of care. Ignorance of these rights and obligations is often the reason why women stop breastfeeding earlier than they would actually like. This campaign is therefore intended to close knowledge gaps.

What long-term effects do you hope this campaign will have?

Simply put, that more children of working mothers can be breastfed or supplied with breastmilk for even longer. Breastmilk is the ideal and recommended food for infants. In addition, breastfeeding promotes the bond between mother and child and therefore has long-term positive effects on the health of both. Returning to work after giving birth should not interfere with these positive effects. And if children are ill less often and mothers or fathers need fewer absences from work to care for them, this benefits not only the employer, but society as a whole.

What other measures or projects are you planning to promote breastfeeding in the workplace?

We have many partners, such as the Family Larsson-Rosenquist Foundation, that are supporting us in this outreach campaign. This means that the majority of private companies and administrations operating in Switzerland and their employees have heard about this campaign. Other communication channels include doctors’ practices, midwives and maternity or lactation consultants who have direct contact with the women receiving pre- and post-natal care. We will observe how the campaign is received and make an initial assessment.

If an employee wants to continue breastfeeding her baby or pumping  milk after maternity leave, she can do so at work. Companies must make time and a suitable room available for this. How can you support companies in creating this framework?

First of all, it should be said that this right to breastfeed or pump milk is nothing new. In addition, it is generally relatively easy to create a suitable breastfeeding space. Therefore, an important part of the campaign is to inform and raise awareness among those concerned. To make implementation even easier, we have developed two practical aids that can be ordered free of charge: One is an information poster with a customizable information box to draw attention to the breastfeeding room, e.g. for an organization’s notice board or digitally for its intranet. The other is a door hanger, which makes it possible to clearly identify a room that is being used for breastfeeding or pumping. In this way, the employee can find the necessary peace and quiet in a room provided by the employer that is private and hygienic. This could be a meeting room, a free office, a medical room or similar. The bathroom is an absolute no-go. (Find the practical aids and information here.)

What reactions have you had to the campaign so far? Have you received any unexpected feedback or surprises?

We have seen a great willingness on all sides to support this campaign. We even had to make the ordering options for the door hangers and posters available on our website ahead of Swiss Breastfeeding Week because the demand and interest were there immediately. And if you want to use the word surprises, then I am happy to say that there were no negative ones.

What role does the topic of breastfeeding play in the working environment at SECO?

We have also informed our human resources department about the campaign, as well as all human resource managers within the federal government. At SECO, I can say unequivocally that mothers returning to work from maternity leave are always offered suitable opportunities and conditions for breastfeeding or pumping milk.

Are there any plans to continue working on the topic of breastfeeding  at SECO beyond Swiss Breastfeeding Week?

The health protection of pregnant and breastfeeding mothers is a priority topic for SECO, in cooperation with the cantonal labor inspectorates. With regard to breastfeeding in the workplace, as already mentioned, we will initially monitor the feedback we receive from this campaign, the level of interest in the topic and the demand for the door hangers and posters. 

SECO and the cantonal labor inspectorates receive many inquiries from employees if the working conditions are not optimal, and unfortunately this includes inquiries from pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. If we notice a trend in the wrong direction, it is conceivable that the campaign will be repeated. The door hangers and posters will also remain available to order in the longer term.

Let's look 5 years into the future. Where will we be in Switzerland, in terms of reconciling breastfeeding with returning to work? Where do you see the biggest challenges?

When I analyze the reactions to our campaign, I am very pleased to see that everyone involved is really pulling in the same direction. Nobody was against this campaign. In my opinion, there will be no resistance in the future either. After all, a good employer who looks after his employees also looks after women after maternity leave. The “effort” for the employer is not excessive. On the other hand, as already mentioned, the long-term positive effects of breastfeeding on the health of mother and child ultimately benefit everyone. Not least because of the prevailing shortage of skilled workers, it is important for employers to retain their skilled workers. And if the working conditions are good, word gets around, and that is the best advertisement for a company. The challenge is therefore to ensure that employers and employees are aware of their rights and obligations and remain so. And that is precisely the aim of this “Breastfeeding in the workplace” awareness campaign.

Information about breastfeeding and ordering options for posters (A3) and the door hangers are here on the SECO website: